Hip Hop Collection
Back in 1973, DJ Kool Herc hosted a party in the South Bronx, NYC. Little did he know that the beat breaks he would create on his turntables would turn into the most consumed music genre today - Hip Hop!
Our love of Hip Hop led us to create a collection to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of its conception. The love that we have for the culture and music has allowed us the opportunity to bring you the flavors you see in Triple Nikel today!
Check out our Blog on the history of Hip Hop starting back to the mid-1960's all the way up to today!
This list we put together proved a bit controversial, but it was our opinion and we stuck to it. Check it out and let us know what you think!
This list was fun to make as the 1980's was an important time of growth for the culture. Did your favorite group or artist makes the list? Check it out and let us know.
"I take seven emcees, put 'em in a line
And add seven more brothers who think they can rhyme
Well, it'll take seven more before I go for mine
Now that's twenty-one emcees ate up at the same time. "
The GOD M.C. - Rakim